The Book


Like many baby boomers born into rural settings, churchgoing and Christianity were simply part of the fabric of reality. Because the fellowship I grew up in had only lay pastors, the hierarchy of marketplace work and church work was not highly emphasized. Only when I was a college student did the apparent sacred-secular divide become a point to grapple with. Can it really matter as much to God what I do with an engineering degree as it does to go somewhere and preach the gospel? If so, why?

That was more than 40 years ago but this set of questions have remained central to me my entire adult life. I am inviting you to come along with me as I share what I have learned and concluded. The criticality of what happens everywhere except inside “church” now grips me. The Gospel of the Kingdom is a clarion, urgent call to be heard by everyone.

The Malachi Moment will put Jesus’s commissioning of his church into a much larger frame and give you the practical means to engage in his strategy to heal our world and display his glory through every nation and people group. Regardless the scope of your personal assignment, your role is essential and I want to show you both why that’s true and how you can fulfill it.

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I’m excited to introduce The Malachi Moment to you and hope it will set you on a path of previously unimagined impact in the 21st century on planet earth. The Kingdom of Heaven is indeed at hand, and as the Apostle Paul said it, all of creation is eagerly awaiting the revealing of the sons (and daughters) of God. That includes the revelation of who you are and all God is intent on doing through your hands.

Greg Leman

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Fees For Workshops and Speaking Engagements: Fees above travel costs are negotiable and will reflect specific needs and capabilities of inviting groups.