
Greg Leman is an innovation leader and coach with deep experience in the Chemical Industry, University program development (Baylor University), and has served on the Vineyard church pastoral team in Urbana IL. Educated at Purdue (BSChE) and Illinois (MS and PhD in ChE), Dr. Leman has pursued a personal quest of integration of faith into marketplace assignments throughout his varied career assignments in the US and internationally. In the last several years, he has devoted much of his time and talents to building companies that prioritize the planet and its people while creating profits.
In parallel with these efforts, Greg also has spent the past 7 years in developing his new book “the Malachi Moment”. This writing journey was initiated by a divine prompt to compare what he was seeing in the Millennials he was teaching and what Malachi had prophesied 2500 years ago. It was supported and encouraged by a dear friend who said – “Enough talking about this. Its time you publish, and I’ll even help you hire a writing coach.”
As the book unfolded one concept at a time, a profound connection between God’s history of working with the kingdom of Israel and Jesus’ commissioning of his followers to disciple nations via the Kingdom Gospel emerged. The outcome is an urgent call for Jesus followers today to embrace a much more impactful calling than what most have understood.
He resides in Waco Texas with his wife of 44 years, Lela Leman and has three children and three grandchildren.
To Lela, my bride of 44 years, and the person who has endlessly enriched my life with her friendship, affection and encouragement.
And to THE Bride, the woman of Jesus dreams for whom he will come and receive into the greatest wedding feast of all time. This Supergirl we call the Church is the one for whom I have so zealously labored, in hopes that what I have written will help her be fully prepared when her day comes.
May we collectively become all He is worthy of.